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04/17/2003: "Long Story"

Where to start? I’m beginning to wonder if I’m EVER going to actually ride Indy. First, we just CANNOT get a break from the weather. One day it’s 80 and the next - today - we’ll be lucky to hit 50. No wonder Indy and Ami can’t decide whether to shed it or keep it! I never know what to wear either.

As if the temperature gyrations weren’t enough, there’s the wind. Warm or cold, I cannot ride in 35 mph wind. Even though on Indy I won’t be at quite the altitude I was on DJ, wind that strong practically blows me off a horse’s back. Dang!

Then there is the bosal/mecate set I purchased. The bosal is too small. Waaaaaaaay too small. Even with taking some of the wraps out of the mecate, I can barely get it past Indy’s nostrils - besides being impossibly tight even there. And here I was worried about it’s being too BIG. Ha. So… I figure if THIS is a standard bosal, and there’s no WAY I can afford a custom-made one - right now anyway - I’ll go the rope halter/mecate route. It’s not as cool as a bosal, but I feel sure Indy would work well in that type of rig.

At first, I thought I’d just put a mecate on the rope halter Indy “came with.” I would then use DJ’s halter as his halter. THAT idea lasted just about as long as it took me to get DJ’s halter out of the box a carefully stored it in on the day he crossed the Bridge. I just could NOT do it. Pain hit like a knife twisting in my heart. The sobs were uncontrollable as I hugged the empty halter. No other horse will EVER wear it - not even Indy. Besides, it dawned on me later that Indy’s halter wouldn’t be suitable because it wasn’t designed to be large enough to accommodate a mecate…

I ended up ordering my halter/mecate set from Natural Horse Supply. Their products are high quality at reasonable prices. They will even custom-make your halter from your measurements, leaving extra room to tie the mecate if you tell them that you plan to use the halter for riding. This custom halter is only $19.00! Not only that, their really nice mecate rope is only $35.00. Can’t beat that! It’s on order. I shall report on it when it arrives.

Then… after ordering the rope halter set, I happened upon an individual’s classified ad wanting to sell a bosal/mecate set that I just HAD to inquire about. I know, I KNOW, but this bosal has a black with red trim nosepiece and heel knot, and the mecate is black mane hair. Just THINK how that would look on Indy…

So, Sandy - this one’s owner - and I have been emailing back and forth with measurements of her bosal. Turns out hers IS somewhat larger than mine, and she is willing to take it back if it doesn’t fit. She wants $150 for the whole shebang INCLUDING a very nice headstall. Yes, I AM nuts. But I’m not alone - Mike sez, “Go ahead and try it. You can use the bosal and rope ones in different situations maybe.” And I didn’t even scream and cry or anything. ;o)

Another result of all this is that I won’t be needing to use DJ’s bridle after all. Whether I use the halter or the other bosal, I won’t need another headstall. After all that agonizing… I decided to put the headstall, DJ’s hackamore and custom-made reins all away. Permanently. They were his and they will remain his and his alone.

Replies: 3 Comments

on Monday, April 21st, Poni said

"Dash's Tack" is something I still use on a regular basis- but not ON another horse. I use it when I think and plan and meditate. I draw the energies from the leather and nylon and cotton and wool that are still there, even though the horse isn't. The smell, the occasional little chestnut hair, the wearing of certain spots just brings me that much closer to knowing how Dash operated in the tack, and how "doing something right" felt, like sitting the trot, posting without stirrups (two major obstacles for me, no matter how many shows and blues I've been around. It just is horrible. Like math.), and so on. After getting "what's right" in my head, my body and mind forms a flexible "aura" or "mold" around my horses. They find it easier to fit into and operate under than Method Du Jour from whatever book. They see what Ideally it should 'be like', and if they just plain can't, then I can be solvent enough to change myself enough to accommodate them.

Dash, truth be known, was one hardheaded SOB (yes, I can say that, because I'm the bitch that was his mama!). He didn't have any respect for my molds and auras. HE made HIS OWN, and if I couldn't fit 'em, tough mammary gland said the feline but the colostrum's still sufficient.

I got off track.. but DJ's energy is still in your tack, and you can still use memories, energies, and knowledge from it if you can just open your mind up to think about it.

I don't use "horse to horse" tack either though- it hangs in my closet and is put up carefully, where I can get it down and look at it.

on Friday, April 18th,">Lynne said

Oh Suzy, I know how you feel..and this is just another testimony to how sacred our beloved horses' belongings become.
The halter, the headstall, the hackamore..all have happy memories attached to them, and putting them away in a special place keeps them safe and close. They will always be there when you want to "call back yesterday"

on Thursday, April 17th,">Shannon (Navi) said

I still have Toby's halter packed away in a special box with his old salt lick wrapped in plastic, the wraps from that day, his x-rays that told the whole sad tale and some other special things. I can't bring myself to use that halter and I probably never will. I'm glad you were able to find a wonderful alternative! :)

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