Golden Days - Adventures With Indy

Tuesday, April 29th
Golden Days

Getting There!

I hate making predictions, because every time I do - especially lately - something always happens. :o( That having been said, I still am making the bet that I’ll be riding Indy by next week at the latest. Weather permitting of course. (Now I suppose it will rain for the next six months)

I have finally gotten my poor, neglected saddle rejuvenated - although I think it could still use a few more Leather Therapy treatments - and re-rigged. I tried it on Indy without any padding to double check it’s fit on him and to get some idea of where on the new latigos I’m going to need to be. As far as Indy was concerned, it was a total non-event. As I was going back and forth, checking fit and trying to get the latigos set in the right holes, he started nibbling hay from his feeder! I guess I was boring him. Next step is trying it with the pad I intend to use. Then I’ll put my foot in the stirrup a few times, gradually increasing the amount of weight. I REALLY don’t think there will be any reaction by him, but I just want everything to be a positive experience for both of us.

I have received the rope halter-mecate set I ordered from Natural Horse Supply, and it is everything I expected and more. Both the halter and mecate are SO soft! I’m sure both Indy’s face and my hands will LOVE these LOL!

NEWS FLASH! I started writing this yesterday and didn’t get finished, and this morning I SAT ON INDY! However, this statement requires more explanation that one would usually expect… While Mike and I were doing the usual pre breakfast chores, Indy and Ami were taking their usual pre breakfast naps - flat out on the ground just outside the barn. By the time we were almost ready to serve breakfast Ami was up and dozing on her feet. Indy however, was still dead asleep.

When breakfast was ready, Ami was ready too. Indy had managed to make it to the sternal position, but he was obviously not entirely awake. Ami came on in to eat, but Indy continued to recline. I keep TELLING him he should take a FEW minutes off grazing overnight and get some sleep - does he listen? Noooooooo.

I tried everything I could think of to get him up - short of kicking him in the butt of course! - but he just ignored me. I even dangled his breakfast bucket under his somewhat glazed eyes. Normally this would have done it, but we give them both their StrongidC in the morning, and Mr. Indy does not care for StrongidC AT ALL. And of course, he doesn’t get enough grain to do much of a job at “hiding” it.

As I was standing there looking down on him and wondering what to do next, I was overwhelmed by the sight of his back right there under my eyes. I sat down on him like he was a big ole beanbag! He STILL didn’t move!

After a few seconds, I called to Mike, who was inside the barn. Mike came out and immediately cracked up. He came on over, and Indy STILL didn’t move. I got up and MIKE sat down on him! By this time, Indy was beginning to get a “Well, I guess these idiots are NOT going to leave me alone so I might as well get up” look on his face. Finally, he stretched his fore legs out in front of him, Mike got off and he got to his feet. After shaking vigorously, he said, “Now, where’s my BREAKFAST?!”

I doubt if either Mike or I have ever laughed harder in our lives. And Mike said, “You were concerned about what he would do I you got on him?!” Not any more.
suzym on 04.29.03 @ 12:00 PM CST [link] [2 Comments]

Tuesday, April 22nd
Golden Days

Spring Fever

Yeah, that must be what it is. Ami has Spring Fever. Well, she has some kind of fever anyway. I dunno - she never had this strong a reaction to DJ. Oh sure, they would flirt and smooze. They used to gnaw on each other’s faces and such, but most of the time, I didn’t even know when she was in season. I sure do know NOW!

Yesterday - and this morning - she was chasing poor clueless Indy all over the property. He flirts with her too of course. He nibbles her neck and sometimes pulls her tail, but that’s all. She just can’t seem to give up on him though. No matter which way he tries to go to get away, she keeps backing and backing until she backs right into him. He has to shove her out of the way just to get past! Then here she comes - right behind him. He can’t even finish a meal before she’s right there nickering at him and letting him know she’s STILL available.

I don’t know if all this is brought on by the fact that Indy had only been a gelding for a month when he got here and was still acting a little bit more stud-like or WHAT. Even then he didn’t really DO anything - half-heartedly mounted her once, and that’s about it. Maybe she can’t forget that and the high hopes she had for him at the time. Or, maybe she just prefers blonds. Whatever, I have to feel a little sorry for her even when I’m rolling on the ground laughing at their antics.

I guess Ami’s behavior is proof that it’s the length of days that stimulates critters to believe it’s spring. It certainly can’t be the temperatures. If it were, they all would still be in hibernation. We’re facing scattered frost overnight, and it’s windy and cold today. In fact, the forecast for the entire week doesn’t predict anything higher than the lower 60’s. Yeah, The Winter That Won’t Die has already killed the buds on our lilac and now is going for the fruit trees. At the risk of repeating myself, boy, am I SICK of this!
suzym on 04.22.03 @ 11:50 AM CST [link] [No Comments]

Thursday, April 17th
Golden Days

Long Story

Where to start? I’m beginning to wonder if I’m EVER going to actually ride Indy. First, we just CANNOT get a break from the weather. One day it’s 80 and the next - today - we’ll be lucky to hit 50. No wonder Indy and Ami can’t decide whether to shed it or keep it! I never know what to wear either.

As if the temperature gyrations weren’t enough, there’s the wind. Warm or cold, I cannot ride in 35 mph wind. Even though on Indy I won’t be at quite the altitude I was on DJ, wind that strong practically blows me off a horse’s back. Dang!

Then there is the bosal/mecate set I purchased. The bosal is too small. Waaaaaaaay too small. Even with taking some of the wraps out of the mecate, I can barely get it past Indy’s nostrils - besides being impossibly tight even there. And here I was worried about it’s being too BIG. Ha. So… I figure if THIS is a standard bosal, and there’s no WAY I can afford a custom-made one - right now anyway - I’ll go the rope halter/mecate route. It’s not as cool as a bosal, but I feel sure Indy would work well in that type of rig.

At first, I thought I’d just put a mecate on the rope halter Indy “came with.” I would then use DJ’s halter as his halter. THAT idea lasted just about as long as it took me to get DJ’s halter out of the box a carefully stored it in on the day he crossed the Bridge. I just could NOT do it. Pain hit like a knife twisting in my heart. The sobs were uncontrollable as I hugged the empty halter. No other horse will EVER wear it - not even Indy. Besides, it dawned on me later that Indy’s halter wouldn’t be suitable because it wasn’t designed to be large enough to accommodate a mecate…

I ended up ordering my halter/mecate set from Natural Horse Supply. Their products are high quality at reasonable prices. They will even custom-make your halter from your measurements, leaving extra room to tie the mecate if you tell them that you plan to use the halter for riding. This custom halter is only $19.00! Not only that, their really nice mecate rope is only $35.00. Can’t beat that! It’s on order. I shall report on it when it arrives.

Then… after ordering the rope halter set, I happened upon an individual’s classified ad wanting to sell a bosal/mecate set that I just HAD to inquire about. I know, I KNOW, but this bosal has a black with red trim nosepiece and heel knot, and the mecate is black mane hair. Just THINK how that would look on Indy…

So, Sandy - this one’s owner - and I have been emailing back and forth with measurements of her bosal. Turns out hers IS somewhat larger than mine, and she is willing to take it back if it doesn’t fit. She wants $150 for the whole shebang INCLUDING a very nice headstall. Yes, I AM nuts. But I’m not alone - Mike sez, “Go ahead and try it. You can use the bosal and rope ones in different situations maybe.” And I didn’t even scream and cry or anything. ;o)

Another result of all this is that I won’t be needing to use DJ’s bridle after all. Whether I use the halter or the other bosal, I won’t need another headstall. After all that agonizing… I decided to put the headstall, DJ’s hackamore and custom-made reins all away. Permanently. They were his and they will remain his and his alone.
suzym on 04.17.03 @ 12:00 PM CST [link] [3 Comments]

Tuesday, April 8th
Golden Days

April Showers

April Showers Bring May Flowers

Ah, ha ha! I seriously doubt the kind of showers we got yesterday - and to a lesser extent today - encouraged any May flowers that were unfortunate enough to poke their heads out. Sleet, freezing rain, snow, overnight temps in the 20’s - no, I don’t THINK so. I know it certainly did nothing to encourage ME. Holy Guacamole!

Well, as I said earlier, at least I’ve had plenty of time to get my tack all cleaned up and conditioned! I have to admit, it really DID need a going over. It’s been pretty neglected since I found out about DJ’s illness in 2000. It was extremely difficult to even LOOK at my tack, knowing that DJ would probably never wear it again. But, life DOES go on - somehow - and here I am, getting it all spiffed up for Indy.

Our pasture grass is growing in spite of the awful weather, getting greener every day. They both are still eating a fair amount of hay, but much less than a couple of months ago. We can tell by the condition of the stalls in the morning that they didn’t spend much time in the barn overnight!

I’m keeping a very close watch on Ami though. This kind of weather, and the stress it puts on the grass, make ideal founder conditions. Pretty soon, Ami will have to be on restricted grazing no matter WHAT the weather. I’ll be keeping my eye on Mr. Indy too. He was okay with the grass last year, but you never know, and I don’t want him getting too fat either.

Hopefully, I will FINALLY get to try the bosal on Indy tomorrow, or Thursday at the latest. Surely, we’ve seen the last of the really nasty weather. I’m not taking ANY chances though - we’re not taking the heated water buckets down until AUGUST!
suzym on 04.08.03 @ 07:22 PM CST [link] [2 Comments]

Friday, April 4th
Golden Days

These Foolish Things

Oh, how the Ghost of you clings.
These foolish things
Remind me of you.

from These Foolish Things

I guess I’ll try to finish yesterday’s post now. First though, I want to think the folks who posted comments on yesterday’s entry. THANKS, everyone. It helps.

Of course I KNOW DJ wants Indy to have this bridle. The problem is with me, not him. This was our favorite do-everything headstall. I can’t remember exactly when I purchased it, but it was sometime in the early to mid 80’s. I had problems finding headstalls that fit DJ, especially the brow bands - they were always too short and pressed on his ears. Not this one - its brow band is nice and roomy, and the cheek pieces are also long enough, another problem I ran into with my Big Boy. It’s not fancy - no silver or anything like that. It does have some attractive braded work on the brow band and where it joins the bit, but other than that, it’s just plain russet leather. But, it’s GOOD leather. I think I paid about $75 for it back then. After ALL the use it’s had it’s still like new. It would be CRAZY not to use it. But, I never said I wasn’t crazy…

No, I will use it. DJ will give me the horselaugh if I don’t. I will use it if the weather around here ever gives me a chance that is. I can’t believe it’s supposed to get down to 22 on Saturday night. We’ll have to put the heated buckets up AGAIN! Grrrrrrrr!

At least I’ve had lots of time to get the bridle and saddle all cleaned up and conditioned. I have to admit, tack cleaning is NOT my favorite aspect of horse ownership! My tack looks good in spite of me, not because of me LOL!

I will put to bosal/mecate on the bridle today. I don’t know if I’ll be trying it on Indy today though. It’s raining, and Indy is - how shall I put this - a mess. Where is the horse I had all shiny and clean YESTERDAY!!! My theory is that horses don’t feel comfortable without a layer of grime. Besides, both Indy and Ami LOVE to roll - and roll. Then they roll some more.

I ordered a bridle tag with Indy’s name on it. It won’t be ready for 2-3 weeks. Maybe by then I’ll be able to actually attach it to the bridle without crying - too much.
suzym on 04.04.03 @ 10:43 AM CST [link] [No Comments]

Thursday, April 3rd
Golden Days

The Winter That Will NOT Die!

In my last post, I went on about how much better everything seems in the spring. Ever since then The Winter That Will NOT Die has been back in charge, Big Time. We even had to put our heated water buckets back up for the horses! We’ve had a few warm days lately, but it’s supposed to drop into the upper 20’s overnight on Saturday and be in the mid 50’s in the daytime for the next several days. Now, dang it, this is getting downright RIDICULOUS!!!!

On the positive side, (gritting teeth) I did find that wonderful bosal/mecate set for Indy, and I’ll be trying it on him in the next few days. I decided - after much debate - to go ahead and put it on DJ’s favorite bridle. This was NOT an easy decision, and I was crying yesterday as I removed the little round bridle tag that said “DJ.” Heck, I’m crying now. It was DJ’s “working” bridle, and we had so much fun for so many years… I have to stop now. I can’t see what I’m typing. More later.
suzym on 04.03.03 @ 10:47 AM CST [link] [3 Comments]

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In Memory Of DJ
Valley Stables

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