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07/31/2002: "If I Didn’t KNOW He Was A Morgan…"

If I didn’t know Indy was a Morgan, I would KNOW he was a Morgan. It’s been an interesting few days. On Monday afternoon, I saw to my horror that Indy had somehow managed to put a HUGE crack in the side of his left fore foot. He wasn’t lame, but I was really concerned about how high that went. I had realized his feet were VERY long, but I’m not riding him and Matt was due on Wednesday morning. I had planned to discuss scheduling Indy’s trims closer together. That boy can grow some FEET!

On Tuesday morning, I decided it couldn’t wait until Wednesday so we called Matt and explained the situation. He was on his way to a client in a nearby town, but he said he’d be out by afternoon. Meanwhile, he said to put duct tape on the crack and keep Indy in. By the time Matt got here at about 4:30, the tape was still sorta on and so was the chunk of hoof.

Matt said he was glad he did come a day early because it WAS a huge crack, but it hadn’t yet reached the sensitive tissues - just barely. But, he was able to trim it off, and since Indy’s feet were SO long anyway, you can hardly tell that the left outside “sidewall” is any different from the right. And, we DID put Indy on the five-week schedule with Ami.

Matt is coming to love Indy as much as he did DJ. He calls him Surfer Boy because of his blond locks, and get the biggest kick out of hearing our Indy Stories - such as the Hay Bale Roll, the way Indy intently studies everything we do as if he were trying to learn how to do it himself, and of course, how he scratches his own prepuce. He also frequently comments on what a pretty boy Indy is. Yes, he is.

Matt was also impressed with the thickness of Indy’s hoof horn. He kept commenting to his apprentice about Indy’s feet. When I suggested Indy didn’t need to go on Farrier’s Formula with Ami, he said, “Oh no!” and indicated that he didn’t think his nippers would be up to the job if Indy’s horn were any thicker…

Later that evening, I was looking out the kitchen window, and there was a hot air balloon, flying low over the fields, its whooshing sound very audible. I called to Mike to come see it too, and I said, “Where’s Indy? What would he think of THIS?” At that moment, Indy came dancing out of the barn - the Mighty Stallion on Full Alert. He remained staring at the balloon for all of oh, 20 seconds. Then dropped his head and started grazing, even though that “monster” was still clearly visible - and audible. Just call him Mr. Cool. Of course, most of the time I just call him Goofball.

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on Saturday, August 3rd, Ed said


I can sure see you 4 are getting to know one-another ! Unfortunately, I have a "topper" for yer prepuce-scratching. I was messing around with "Chief" the other day--both arm over he neck--scratching the front of his shoulders. He had his head stretched level with his neck- lip perced and head bobbing up and down like a Foal. After Grooming the stall wall for a minute, he turned on himself and scratched his OWN DOCK all the way into his tail hair !! He made a nearly perfect circle of his body--first time I have ever seen a Horse do that one !


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