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07/06/2002: "How Does He DO That?!"

Indy strikes again! First, a bit of background…

A couple of weeks ago we had a dry spell long enough for us to get our hay cut, baled and into the barn. (WHEW!) We ended up using 4x4 round bales instead of the square bales that I’m used to. Although our hay is taken off our place, Mike and I don’t do it ourselves - we hire it done, and our guy would MUCH rather do round bales than square. Can’t blame him. Square bales are VERY labor intensive, and Mike and I certainly can’t help him toss hundreds of 50 lb. bales of hay onto a wagon! Since it’s so hard to find anyone to do square bales, we experimented with one round bale last year. We took in into the barn right away, just like we would square bales, and it worked out just fine. It wasn’t quite as convenient to feed, but it wasn’t bad, and the horses loved it.

We always round baled our excess hay and sold it anyway, so this year we just had him round bale all of it. Mike brought the bales to the barn with the tractor, and he and I rolled ‘em on in :o) The rest we lined up along the fence line behind the barn until they are sold, just like we always do. Yesterday morning as we were doing the morning chores, Mike called me out to see something. One of the bales had “moved” from the fence line almost to the middle of the field! Now, I grant you it’s sort of downhill, but STILL! Since I’m still keeping Ami in her paddock overnight, there was only one Likely Suspect. We laughed and laughed and said we’d give anything to have seen how he did that :o). We called it “Indy’s Bale.”

Since it had only been a few days, and we’d had no rain, Mike decided to bring another couple of bales into the barn - just to be sure we had enough. We took Indy’s Bale and one other. And we kidded about coming out this morning and finding another like that… So, what do we find this morning? Yep. Another one rolled away from the line. In the ten years we’ve been doing this, neither DJ nor Ami EVER managed anything like this! Indy, Indy, Indy…

After we rolled the bale back in line, Mike put a BIG rock on the down hill side. I can’t WAIT to see what Mr. IncrediClown does about THAT…

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on Monday, July 8th, Becky said

HILARIOUS!! ROFL! This is a horse with too much time on his hooves. Man, you are in for it Suzy. :)

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