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07/29/2002: "Gasp!"

The heat and humidity continues. Holy Guacamole - I have NEVER sweated like this in my entire life. Yesterday afternoon while I was cleaning the stalls, I could feel sweat running down my arms and legs and even into my eyes. Temps were close to 90, and I’d be willing to bet the humidity was just as high. Whew! Oops! Sorry if I offended anyone with the word “sweat.” My grandmother used to say, “Horses sweat, gentlemen perspire and LADIES dew.” Maybe I’m just not a lady, but folks, this stuff was NOT dew!

Poor Indy was almost as wet as I was, and he decided I needed a break from mucking - and while I was “resting” I could scratch him. Ami was in the front stall, eating “his” hay, but he didn’t care. Sometimes I think that boy loves a scratch better than he likes to eat. Well… maybe not THAT much, but he does love a good scratch!

It’s impossible to do any real training under these conditions. I don’t know how much Indy’s concentration is affected, but I sure know about MINE. He is doing MUCH better about having fly spray applied with the mitt though. He’s not even worried if I spray AROUND him either. Pretty soon, he’ll be wondering why he ever thought it was a problem.

I’m almost to the point of calling Dr. Conley about his castration incision though. There is still a tiny bit of drainage, but I’m beginning to think the REAL problem is his biting at it. When I washed it off for him this morning there was some dried blood, and I know it came from his scratching at it with his teeth. Who would ever have believed he could REACH his own prepuce!! Am I going to have to put NoChew on his body? If I DO have to call the doc about this, I will be sure to ask him if he’s ever had this happen before. I’m sure glad I have Mike as a witness.

Today is going to be just as bad as yesterday, so we probably won’t get much done in the way of formal training. Of course, as they say, any time you’re handling a horse you’re training, so this time isn’t really lost. Indy and I are bonding, and he’s having the chance to get completely comfortable in his new home. Hardly wasted time :o)

One good thing about the weather - we HAVE been getting some much-needed rain. Don’t know if it’s enough to help the farmers, but it’s keeping our grass green without making it too lush for Ami. If we get a LOT of rain, I probably will have to cut her grass time, but so far, so good. I’m still turning her out at noon and letting her stay out until dinner. She would like to be out more of course, but I don’t dare. She’s doing SO well I don’t want to rock the boat. She DOES look at Indy like he’s crazy when he gallops around in this heat, but it’s not because her feet are sore!

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