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05/06/2002: "Indy - Day 1"

Of course, Brenda and Ron didn’t get off quite as early as planned. Does one EVER get going on time with a horse? If so, I’ve never known them - certainly, I never have! They called us as they were crossing the line into Indiana, and they were running about an hour late. It wasn’t a problem because we would still have plenty of daylight left if they got here at 5:00 instead of 4:00.

They called again as they came to Columbia City as planned, and we hurried off to meet them at the Shell Station. Somehow, they beat us there, but I think they were glad to take a break and get something to drink. Also gave Indy a bit of rest after the longest trip he’d ever been on in his young life.

There he was, in that huge, nice trailer, with his own box stall to travel in. They were a little concerned because he hadn’t been drinking much, but he was munching his hay, and was in fact on his second bag. He was munching away on it when I stepped up to meet him. He sniffed at my hand - then went back to his hay :o) Mike took a picture of us with Indy looking out of the trailer behind me. So, after a brief stop for rest and pictures, we led them on in to Indy’s new home.

Naturally, Miss Ami was tearing around her little paddock as we pulled in the front gate into the pasture. She started ripping even more when she saw Indy. Another HORSE!!!

We brought Indy around and took him into the big paddock, where I took him and led him around his new area. Ron said this was about as worked up as I would see him. I HOPE that’s true, because Indy was a perfect gentleman. Even with Ami running and screaming, all new stuff like big boulders - that took a snort and a closer look, then were ignored - Indy was obviously uncertain, but he stayed light in my hands and was a pleasure to lead around.

We were all sitting around talking, letting Indy settle in and Ron and Brenda get some rest before hitting the road again when Matt showed up. I was SO glad he was able to make it! As always, he was a great addition to the conversation, and he loved seeing Indy :o)

I let Indy go ahead and stay out overnight last night, and all seemed well. Ron and Brenda said he’d lost a lot of weight after his castration. He IS underweight by quite a bit, so I would like him to have all this good grass he can handle. I will watch his manure closely, and if it starts getting sloppy, I'll cut down on the grass. He still ate quite a bit of hay, even though he had free access to the grass, so that's all to the good.

We let Ami out into the big paddock with him this morning while we were cleaning the stalls. What a riot! Ami was giving him all the come-on signs, and he actually mounted her - but that's ALL he did. He just sorta lay there on her back, nibbling her neck. I can't describe the look she gave me. It was like, "After all the hullabaloo, THIS is IT???" They tore numerous laps around the paddock, and she evidentially figured out that he was all talk and no action, because she kinda started telling him to back off - not real seriously, you understand - after all, she always loved to tear herself - but she started hinting at it. Once when they were tearing around, she just stopped and started grazing. So did he. Just like that LOL!

The only problem was, she tossed the other shoe - no shock THERE. That's why I didn't bother to call Matt about the first one. I was surprised it stayed on as long as it did, all things considered :o) However, that means we don't want her racing around TOO much until Matt can think of something to keep those darn things on. Maybe duct tape, huh? She didn't seem a bit sore for all the running, but bruised soles were what got this whole thing started last summer, so we SURE don't want a repeat of THAT.

This afternoon when I let them out together, they did pretty much the same thing, but with a little less intensity, and they spent more time grazing and less time playing smoochie-coo. Even with all the melee, they were very gentle with each other. I inspected them both all over, and there were no bite marks - not even a nip mark or any hair knocked off on either one.

This evening when I tried to bring them in for dinner, they started playing again. They were racing all over, getting into each other's stalls, trying to get to each other's food - all that stuff. I know how hard Ami is to catch and halter when she's in a mood like this, so I decided to try Indy. He was all excited, but he stood quietly while I put the halter on him, led him into his stall and tied him while I went to round up Ami, get her in her own stall and close the gate. He pawed just a little bit, but otherwise was fantastic. I gave him a good face/ear scratch as a reward. Boy, did he love THAT.

Overall, Mr. Indy is EXTREMELY sweet, gentle, easy going and NOSEY. Yep, he’s just like DJ.

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