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05/07/2002: "Indy, Ami - And An Anniversary"

Poor Ami. Indy is turning out to be as big a Stud Dud as DJ was. This afternoon she was eating her hay, but stopped to try to flirt with Indy. She came over with a bunch of hay hanging around her ears and over her face. That would have been funny enough in itself, but when Indy came and, instead of nibbling her face as she expected him to do, he grabbed the hay and started munching it, completely ignoring HER. I don’t think SHE thought it was particularly funny, but I laughed until I nearly lost my balance and fell into the stall shavings.

Indy is getting less “studish” by the hour, even if Ami isn’t getting any less “marish.” LOL! I suppose she’ll have to face facts eventually. Yesterday, I was scratching him on the withers, and he started nibbling her on her tush - not like a stud, but just as in mutual grooming. She decided it was better than nothing, and besides, she loves a good butt-scratch. So, there we were - I was scratching him and he was scratching her. Just one big happy herd - that’s us :o)

Unfortunately, we have to keep Ami in her paddock instead of letting her and Indy run and play together. Just when they were really starting to have fun just romping around as buddies, she tossed her other shoe AND came up sore on the same back foot that she bruised so badly last summer. I’m not sure if the soreness is in the foot or the pastern - she was doing a lot of rearing in playing with Indy, and it was wet and slippery. Whatever, we can’t take ANY chances with the front feet or the back. Matt will be here tomorrow, so we can see what he thinks about the back foot and discuss ways to SOMEHOW keep shoes on her fronts until they grow out enough that she - hopefully - can go barefoot again. Duct tape, anyone?

I used the shedding blade on Indy today, and he said that was good - VERY good. In fact, I couldn’t find a single square inch on his body where it WASN’T good LOL! He does love attention. Well, Ron said he was a pocket horse, and that’s exactly what I wanted. Indy’s a dear, sweet boy.

Thank God Indy was here today. Today would have been DJ’s 24th birthday. Twenty years of celebrating this day with him. I don’t know how I would have gotten through it without Indy.

Happy Birthday, DJ. This day will always be special because of you.

Replies: 3 Comments

on Thursday, May 9th, Michelle, JD and the gang said

Indy is beautiful! What a LUCKY horse to have you as his mom. I
wish all people with horses could be like us! Some just never make the connection.

on Wednesday, May 8th, Brenda said

Hi Suzy!
Just took the time to read back on your journal of Mr. Indy. I chuckled several times, as we seem to have more similarities than we even know. You forgot that we both have American Eskimos dogs, that we both do competitive riding (past and/or present) ... and another one that was really funny, I sold MY bank stock to purchase my first Morgan, Major Thunderstorm, my long awaited horse of 20 years. He's my soulmate, like your DJ was. I can't imagine life without him! Thanks for keeping this journal, altho it seems funny seeing our "first born" on a different webpage. I so glad you both found each other. Indy has his own wonderful paddock, wonderful person, and even his very own woman... what could be better....
(except maybe that Lippitt reiner I think Mike needs! LOL)

on Wednesday, May 8th, Becky said

Suzy, DJ, Ami and Indy - I'm thinking of all you. Indy you have a big job ahead of you making Suzy happy.

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