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05/04/2001: "It’s I Day!"

Indy’s coming! He’s on his way even as I write this. Ron and Brenda started down from Michigan’s Upper Peninsula sometime around 6:00 AM, and should arrive here about 4:00 PM. When they get to somewhere around Columbia City, Indiana, they are going to call us on their cell phone. We will go out to meet them at the Shell Station in Pierceton - which is about halfway between Columbia City and here - and lead them on in. It’s just TOO confusing to try to explain all the twists and turns one has to make to get to our place.

When we talked with the on the phone Thursday evening, and Mike started giving them all the directions they would need to get here on their own, they expressed GREAT relief that we would be meeting them LOL!

I got an email from Brenda last night saying that they had given Indy a bath, and that Mr. Stud Muffin knew how Fine he was and was Strutting his Stuff for their mares - who, according to Brenda, come into instant heat at the sight of him. She said they would be the ones who will miss him the most - except her. She also said that Nick had almost decided not to come, but changed his mind after trying to say goodbye to Indy. He just couldn’t let Indy go without seeing for himself the kind of home Indy will be going to. Ah, well… this is going to turn into one monster Blubber-Fest, I can tell you already.

I’m still very much still in the Grief Journey for DJ, and, as I posted before, Brenda is still trying to cope with the death of her Mother, and now losing Indy. Even if it is to a new home and not to death, it will still be VERY hard on her AND Ron. Not to mention Nick. Better have lots of tissues out there in the barn. We’re gonna need ‘em.

MUCH more later…

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