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03/01/2003: "Catching Up"

First, I want to thank Indy and Ami (at least I, uh, THINK I want to thank them) for posting in Indy’s Journal while I was sick. Indy is getting quite good at typing, and I only had to pull a few pieces of hay and a bit of carrot out of my keyboard.

I still don’t know what the heck was wrong with me. I never had any fever or anything like that, but I got so weak I could hardly walk to the barn - then it all went away as quickly as it had come. VERY strange! Whatever it was, I just want it to stay away from me!

It’s been quite cold here for some time, but Spring MUST be on the way, because both Indy and Ami have started shedding. I noticed a few hairs coming off Indy a week or so ago, but yesterday they both were suddenly covered with loose hairs! That’s great with me - I’m SO sick of dragging on 10 lbs. worth of clothes before I can venture out the door. Besides, there is no way I can do any serious work with Indy as long as I have to wear heavy gloves. Well, every day is one day closer to Spring…

Ami must think Spring is coming because she’s getting, ahem, amorous toward Indy. Seriously amorous. Yesterday she was trying everything she could think of to seduce him, and he just wanted to play. Finally, I guess he decided to take advantage of her arched tail stuck in his face, and he grabbed her tail in his mouth. She started trotting off, and he was right with her - her tail still in his mouth. My kingdom for a video camera! They trotted all the way around the hay feeder that way - until Indy got distracted by the hay. Ami stopped a few strides later, and looked back with a disgusted “Where’d he GO?!” look on her face. He was blissfully munching hay, and I was rolling on the ground. What a RIOT!

Even though I am getting anxious to start more “serious” work, that’s not to say that the time I’m spending with Indy now is wasted - not by ANY means. We’re continuing to deepen our bond. The other day, Indy had been looking at something over the fence up by the barn. I came over to see what it was. I didn’t see anything myself, and he lost interest shortly too. We were standing side by side, and I leaned against one of the fence posts, resting my head on the top. Indy walked around behind me, coming up to my opposite shoulder, which was at about a 45-degree angle to the fence. I felt his muzzle brush my shoulder. A couple of minutes later, I felt a weight gently come down. Indy was dozing with his head on my shoulder. We stayed that way for quite a while, with him drifting in and out of sleep, his jaw on my shoulder and his sweet, warm breath on my cheek. Perfect bliss - for both of us.

Replies: 2 Comments

on Saturday, March 1st, Lynne said

I forgot to say that I agree that you definitely need a video have the most comedic pair of horses I know!My horses are so much more into the geriatric group now.. I miss the antics of youth, but I do so enjoy hearing your stories.

on Saturday, March 1st, Lynne said

Are these not the moments we so treasure..the moments that create that forever bond with these remarkable horses we love.
Time stands still for me whenever my horse rests her head on my shoulder...there is such a feeling of trust between us that you just want to hold on to that togetherness. I know you feel that way too.
By the way..Ami and Indy did do a great job for you while you were ill...they deserve extra cookies!!
Stay well friend...

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