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12/02/2002: "Indy Strikes Again!"

We had the traditional Thanksgiving family “get-together” yesterday. We didn’t have it on Thanksgiving Day due to schedule conflicts, etc. This was Mike’s family of course. My family - what’s left of it - is in Dallas and surrounding areas.

Needless to say, I was not in the mood for this and didn’t WANT to go. But there are some things one has to do whether they want to or not. It’s not that I don’t enjoy being with Mike’s family. Just the opposite - I LOVE Mike’s family and feel very close to them. I just don’t feel up for ANY holiday stuff this year. It was okay, as these things go, but I would MUCH rather have spent the afternoon with Indy and Ami.

Besides, I had a real cool Indy Story from the day before that I didn’t have time to post! On said day - Saturday - Mike and I were watching out the kitchen window as Indy and Ami put on a SHOW. I was TRYING to get their lunches ready, but I had to stop and watch. We had some fresh snow, it was cold and breezy, and they were running and ripping. I don’t mean cantering around - I mean getting DOWN and cutting in the after-burners. Even Ami was FLYING. I was wondering what Indy did to get Ami to rip like that with him. I also wondered how he’d managed to get snow on his face up to his eyes…

A little background: I keep their halters hanging outside the stalls. Indy can reach his, but Ami’s is easier. He’d flung it to the ground before when meals/treats/attention didn’t come as promptly as he thought it should. DJ did the same thing. This time however, I found Ami’s halter OUTSIDE in the snow. Indy HAD to have taken it off its hook deliberately with the intention of doing more than just tossing it down. He must have been swinging it around - maybe even chasing Ami like he did with the muck bucket. Whatever he did, we only caught the finale, with both of them tearing around the field like, like - well, like HORSES LOL!! It was GREAT.

I hung Ami’s halter in a different place.

Replies: 4 Comments

on Saturday, December 7th,">lisa said

i know from experience how hard it can be to except the fact that life gos on even after you feel as if your heart has been torn out...i know all the trite sayings....i know they do'nt really help in the begining any way,they will someday ,this is after all a wonderful word....i'm not a bible stomper......that said ..i'd just like to say ..GOD must love you very very much to have sent you indy...he can'nt bring back what you have lost but oh the new memories he has brought to you.....and without even half tring he will bring you memories for years to come!! i hope the holidays bring you peace in years to come....lisa

on Monday, December 2nd, Lynne said

Oh what Joy these beautiful horses put into our lives. I hope it will help you to get through the season if you spend as much time as you can just watching the antics of Indy and Ami, and thinking about all the great memories you can create with them...

on Monday, December 2nd, becky said

Dear Suzy - I know being with others had to be hard for you. You seem such a private person that being with others during this time may have been hard. I'm glad Indy gave you other things to think about!

on Monday, December 2nd, Pam said

I wish I could have seen them. Indy is a hoot! It's wonderful that they both feel this good!

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