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06/28/2002: "Glad THIS Week Is Over!"

I can’t say we didn’t get a lot done this week, but, all things considered, I’m still glad it’s OVER. First, the guy that cuts and bales our hay showed up on Saturday and cut our hay field - which was good. But, I like to walk the field after the first cutting is on the ground to check for any holes that some critter or another might have dug over the winter and to look over the hay.

We have been dealing with the worst hot spell we’ve had since I’ve been living in Indiana - some ten years now. The heat and humidity have been AWFUL, and Saturday afternoon was no exception. I knew I was spending too much time in the hot sun walking the field, but I wanted to get it done. Well, I DID get it done, but it go me done too. I spent most of Sunday sleeping and trying to recuperate.

The heat was good for one thing though - it got our hay dry enough to rake on Monday morning and bale on Monday afternoon. So then, all Mike and I had to do was get it into the barn. Snap, right? We got it - gasp! - done though. Our hay is IN safe and sound! We still have quite a bit of the hay we bought last year when we didn’t get a second cutting of our own, so with that and our new hay, Indy and Ami are all set to pig out on hay all they want.

Our respite was short lived though because Dr. Conley wanted to get Indy’s corrective surgery done ASAP before the infection got any worse. He came out Wednesday morning and got the job done. He just gave Indy a sedative, and when Indy got woozy, he gave him the anesthesia. Indy went to his knees, then flat down on his side - out like a light. Since the weather was very iffy, he just laid Indy down in his stall. We used hay bales to prop him on his back and put a towel under his head and over his eyes.

It only took Dr. C a few moments after making the incision to pull the infected part of the cord out and cut it off above the infection. He took off a good six inches and said the cord had been left so long that he could have safely taken off even more if it had been necessary. He showed us the infected part that he’d removed. It looked like a big mushroom, with the cord being the stalk and the head the infected tip with its lumps of scar tissue. It was VERY strange looking, to say the very least! Dr. C examined it closely, showing us where the infection ended - well above where he’d made his cut. He felt Indy should heal up nicely and have no further problems.

Dr. C chose his words rather carefully, but he had to say that he was very surprised that the cord had been left SO long. He says he sees this condition only about once or twice a year, usually among the Amish who do their own castrations. All’s well that ends well I guess, but I certainly wish Indy had not had to undergo this TWICE.

Poor Ami was standing in her own stall, watching, the entire time. I could tell she was very worried. I know she remembered - as I did - when DJ was down in almost the very same place, and he never got up. When Indy came to and got up, she was nickering at him like crazy. It was a sight she and I were both very relieved to see.

Indy was moving quite well today, not stiff or anything like that. I’m sure it was sore, but his appetite is normal, and he was trotting and cantering around. He also allowed me to wipe fly spray all over the area right up to the sides of the incision. Now, is that TRUST or what?!

He got extra treats for being such a sweet boy :o)

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