Golden Days - Adventures With Indy

Wednesday, June 25th
Golden Days

Summer Is Here!

I DID say I wanted it to be warm, didn’t I? Well, it’s warm. In fact, yesterday and today it’s downright HOT - air temps in the 90’s with the humidity pushing the heat index up to about 100. However, I am NOT complaining! These two days are the only really uncomfortable days we’ve had so far, and it’s supposed to cool off by tomorrow anyway. No, you won’t hear any complaints about the heat from ME!!

My foot is about 99% okay now. It’s still somewhat tender across the middle - where Indy’s foot actually came down - but that’s about it. Even my ankle is back to normal, or at least what passes for normal with my right ankle. I’m sure I could ride now - if it weren’t so hot. Indy and I did ground work yesterday, but I doubt we’ll do even that today. After all, we have nothing but time and tomorrow is supposed to be quite a bit more comfortable.

Indy is doing splendidly on his groundwork. :o) We’re still working in the rope hackamore, and I think that will be great for hacking out and goofing off, but for REAL training, I feel much more confident with a snaffle. Perhaps it’s just because that’s what I’m used to, but the rope hack just doesn’t give me the precise feel that a snaffle bit does.

And therein lies another story… Since Indy never seemed truly comfortable in either of my snaffles, I decided to stick with the hackamore until I had his mouth checked again by my vet dental specialist. It was almost time for both the guy’s yearly dental exam anyway, and a horse Indy’s age can have a lot of changes in his mouth in that length of time.

My vet, Dr. Conley, was out last week. He did find quite a few points on Indy’s teeth, and he also said the teeth had grown in quite a bit over the year as Indy’s mouth matured. He said there was nothing intrinsic in Indy’s mouth that should make bitting a problem, but he DID say that Indy’s mouth was a bit wider than average. When he measured, Indy’s mouth turned out to be a FULL 5 inches across, and Dr. C said he felt that Indy would not be really comfortable in a bit less that 5 ½ inches wide. Well. I was pretty sure mine were the “standard” 5 inches, and sure enough, when I measured them that’s what they were - and a scant 5 at that. No WONDER Indy didn’t seem comfortable - he darn sure wasn’t! So, I’ve ordered a wider bit - a Myler Comfort Snaffle with a D-ring. When it arrives, I will post Indy’s opinion. :o)

Meanwhile, we’ll keep refining our work with the hackamore. But not today. TOO HOT! LOL!
suzym on 06.25.03 @ 11:47 AM CST [link] [1 Comment]

Saturday, June 14th
Golden Days

A Foot Note

You all are just the best - the VERY best! :o) I had no sooner posted my foot story than the comments started coming in. I was feeling pretty darned bummed when I posted that, and I wanted everyone who took the time to leave a comment to know that it helped. It REALLY did. :o)

My foot is recovering. It’s still sore - especially when I have to bend it - and it’s still one solid bruise, but the bruise is getting lighter, and most of the swelling is down. The most frustrating part is the ankle. It WAS sprained, and this is my “bad” ankle anyway.

I got a VERY bad sprain to this ankle playing basketball in high school - which, believe me, folks, was NOT yesterday!! - and it’s been stiff ever since. When I first started riding, it gave me FITS it hurt so bad. It’s more flexible now - or at least it WAS - but it’s still stiffer than the left one. It will be a while before I can try riding Indy again. Sigh. Right now even groundwork is pretty painful, and I KNOW I should be resting the foot as much as possible…

Indy knows I don’t blame him. It really wasn’t his fault - or Ami’s. I guess I can blame the cats LOL! They’re driving ALL of us nuts with that danged fighting anyway! As much as I love my kitties, that squalling and crashing around is NOT welcome in the BARN!

I’ll keep you posted. Not very nice riding weather around here at the moment anyway. It’s been raining most every afternoon, and is it sticky and buggy! You can bet both Indy and Ami are decked out head-to-hoof in their fly masks and sheets. Ewwwwwww!
suzym on 06.14.03 @ 11:21 AM CST [link] [4 Comments]

Thursday, June 12th
Golden Days

Another One Of THOSE Days

Sigh. I’ve never believed in “jinxes” or any such thing, but I swear I’m beginning to wonder. Ever since the turn of the Millennium, VERY strange things have been happening - none of them good. I’m not trying to be funny when I say that I’m getting SO paranoid I’m afraid to get up in the morning.

Take last Tuesday for example. Mike and I were in the barn doing morning chores. I’ve been keeping Indy in the upper paddock these days to - hopefully - keep him from gaining any more weight. I will go back to letting him out 24/7 after we cut the hay.

Anyway, we let both Indy and Ami go out into the pasture while we’re doing the pre-breakfast chores. Before we open the gates, I put Indy’s flysheet on because he will be staying out all day, and the bugs drive him CRAZY.

So anyway, here I was in the stall with Indy - while he was devouring his morning treats - trying to figure out how I manage to put his sheet on upside down and backward no matter HOW carefully I fold it when I take it off. I stepped back while trying to ascertain which end was up, when Ami - who was at the other end of the barn eating HER morning treats - suddenly spooked HARD. I heard a crashing sound myself, and then all h**l broke loose.

Ami went flying out into her paddock; Indy whirled around to see what the heck was going on and somehow, I managed to fall down in front of him. I don’t know if I tripped over my own feet - a distinct possibility - or the sheet or what, but the next thing I knew for sure was that Indy stepped on the side of my right foot. Thank God, we were in DEEP shavings and Indy doesn’t wear shoes - especially since, when I managed to look back at my foot, my BOOT WAS OFF! How THAT happened, I will never know. I’ll also never know how Indy managed not to step on anything BUT my foot. It must have taken some fancy footwork on his part.

It all happened SO fast. After staring at my bootless foot for a second, I looked up and there was Indy, almost nose-to-nose with me, with the most worried look I think I’d ever seen. That is until Mike came bursting into the stall looking pretty worried himself. He had to almost carry me out.

I sat on a hay bale gasping and trying to take stock of my foot. It hurt - I’d never had the SIDE of my foot stepped on before - but my foot has taken harder hits - by SHOD horses. I was reasonably sure nothing was broken, but it was turning purple already and my ankle felt like it was sprained as well.

After a few minutes - it took me a while to get all the shavings out of my sock! - I was able to put my boot back on and help Mike finish the chores. It hurt, but I could walk.

I also figured out what spooked Ami in the first place. Cats. There is an overhead that runs half the length of the barn isle, and the back of it is adjacent to Ami’s stall. We use it for the storage of seasonal stuff and generally things we don’t use often. The barn cats have decided it’s a great place to fight, and they’ve been causing poor Ami problems all spring. She tends not to like it when they start yowling, spitting and crashing around up there. I certainly can’t blame her. They’ve made me jump out of my skin a few times myself.

I spent most of the rest of the day with my foot elevated in an attempt to keep swelling to a minimum. I was able to take the horses their lunch myself as well as go out for my regularly scheduled afternoon visit. Needless to say, ALL I did was visit. Indy and I won’t be doing any working for a few days at least. :o(

Now we have Friday the 13th coming up tomorrow. I have NEVER been the slightest bit superstitious, but, with everything that’s happened the last few years, I think I’ll just hide under the covers all day.
suzym on 06.12.03 @ 12:13 PM CST [link] [10 Comments]

Monday, June 2nd
Golden Days

One Picture (Or Three Or Four) Is Worth A Thousand Words :o)

First Ride, April 27, 2003

FirstRideGroundLaughingM (10k image)

FirstRideHappyM (10k image)

FirstRideLookingNorthM (10k image)

FirstRideRightOnM (8k image)

Talk about CALM. By the last picture, Mr. Indy looks absolutely BORED! LOL!
suzym on 06.02.03 @ 11:15 AM CST [link] [4 Comments]

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Valley Stables

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