Golden Days - Adventures With Indy

Tuesday, February 18th
Golden Days


Hi everybody - it’s ME, Indy! Mom has been sick so she asked me to write this update in the journal. This is the first time I have actually typed, so please excuse any misteaks, ok?

Arrrgh! Why Mom wanted YOU to do this is a mystery to me. You can’t even spel?

Hi, Ami! Can you spel? Maybe you could check this for me, huh?

Humph! I should have been doing this in the first place!

Well, Mom said she asked me to do it because the last time she let you use the ‘puter, there was a problem.


Well… She said she knew you were unhappy after DJ was gone, so she let you have the ‘puter so you could look at pictures of me before I got here to sort of keep you company. Then she said you got so excited over my pictures, you, um, err, wet on the monitor and keyboard…

WHAT! I did NOT!

But, Ami, Mom said…

Well… it certainly didn’t have ANYTHING to do with YOU! You, you - STUD MUFFIN!

Okay, Ami, okay - whatever. I’m just telling you what Mom said and why she wanted me to make this post. She’s feeling lots better now, thank goodness! I can tell when my humans are feeling bad, and she really was. I was sooooo worried. Anyway, Mom’s on the mend and will make the next post herself. Prolly the best thing. I’m trying hard not to get slobber in the keyboard, but it’s hard when you’re typing with your tongue…

This was fun though! Hi, everybody!!! Love ya! I’ll be back!

Hey, Ami! Wanna go run?

NO! I want to eat hay.

You can do that later. Let’s romp!

NO! Go away!

Come ON, Ami!


Romp! Run! Come on!

You are such a PEST!

suzym on 02.18.03 @ 11:31 AM CST [link] [1 Comment]

Tuesday, February 4th
Golden Days

Hail Columbia

Ah, Columbia…

Ever since Mike and I came in from the barn Saturday morning and heard the radio - saying WHAT! that communications with the Shuttle Columbia had been lost; that Columbia itself - and all seven Souls on board - was lost, shattering in the skies over my home town, Dallas, Texas, my grief has been equaled only by my anger. Anger at budget cuts that put NASA on the ropes. Anger that we have billions for aggression - yes AGGRESSION - against Iraq but no money for our future. If indeed, we HAVE a future…

I’ve been living and breathing the Space Program since before there WAS a Space Program. In grade school, I read books about astronomy and dreamed of being astrophysicist some day. Unfortunately, a brain that was not structurally equipped to handle that kind of mathematics - dyslexic and strong Right Hemisphere dominance - ended that dream early on. But, then there was Sputnik, and the race was on.

Mercury, Gemini, Apollo - I hung on every word, broadcast and print. I wept through the tragedy of the Apollo fire, stayed glued to the TV/radio during the awful suspense of Apollo 13. Oh, but the JOY of Apollo 11! To actually WATCH LIVE as the first Human set foot on the Moon! It’s something I will NEVER forget, and the sense of awe will never lessen. It’s indescribably incredible to me that, after the Apollo program, we never went back…

Despite the relentless budget cuts, we still had the Shuttle Program. Even after the horror of Challenger, we went on, and perhaps we shall continue yet. But the Shuttles are OLD - Columbia was the oldest - and there is no money to even upgrade those, let alone design and build new, better craft. NASA can’t even afford to retrofit the Shuttles with ejection seats. Probably wouldn’t have helped in Columbia’s case, but…

Grief and anger. Anger and grief. Hail and Farewell, Columbia. We will never forget.

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suzym on 02.04.03 @ 10:51 AM CST [link] [2 Comments]

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